Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"Lost" [Lieber-Abrams-Lindelof, 2004] Season 1 [Sep. '04- May '05] [TV-14]

This archetypal modern drama follows the ridiculously broad escapades of the survivors of a plane crash on some magical island no one else knows about. It features many different characters, to whom you are introduced over time, and each "set" of whom have their own unique plot. But of course you are probably a huge fan of the show and so know this already-- but I'm not, and so don't. It serves as a testament to the ability of a huge budget to increase the quality of a TV show-- this shows through by making the storyline(s) well-written and -defined, but even more so by making the entire show almost completely realistic and believable-- a feat in its own right, if you ask me. And its dialogue writing is astonishingly airtight, brilliant-- but of course all you should need to know is, what does this mean? Well, it all adds up to what has to be one of the five best TV shows of 2004, or, more specifically, one which warrants the colossal amount of attention you have to give its notoriously intricate plot. Grade: A

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